The Basic Operations of Metalworking Machines


In removing and processing materials, one important tool is metal machining. Metal machining can be described as a sequence of various methods that makes use of various metalworking tools such as drill presses, milling machines and lathes. Along with this equipment, the process also includes the use of a sharp tool for cutting. This is for the purpose of shaping the metal into particular geometrical shapes. Before, metalworking is considered as a science, but now it has become more of a job and even as a hobby.


The industry of metal works has a lot of different metalworking operations. Among these operations, the basic ones include turning, drilling and milling. Other operations such as sawing, planing, broaching, shaping and boring are all referred to as miscellaneous operations.


In turning, a basic operation used by metalworking machines from, there is a cutting tool that is being used. The cutting tool being used in this process has one cutting edge. This process if basically used if the cylinder is the required geometrical shape out of the job.


Another basic metalworking machine operation is drilling. This process is among the most commonly used and is being done with the main goal of creating or cultivating some holes on the metal. In this process, drill presses or basic tools that are consisting of cutting edges or rotating cutters are being used. The cutting edges are basically placed on top of the lower extremity of the material prior to it putting a hole on the metal work piece. Watch a video about metalworks here at


The last basic operation is milling. In this method, a cutting tool is being used so as to create a surface that is straight. The cutting edges that are involved in this operation are being moved slowly so that the desired shape of the metal will be produced. See images of these beautiful metalworking machines here.


There are also a lot of other different basic types of metalworking machine operations to consider apart from these three basic ones. Boring is one of them. In this metalworking operation, a hole that is a result of a drilling operation can have an enlargement. Boring is more of an operation that is used for the finishing steps of a metal. It is mostly used in the final operations of creating a particular product.


Aside from the three basic types of machining processes for metals, there are other kinds to consider. One is boring or the process of enlarging a hole that may have resulted from the drilling process. This is more of a finishing procedure used in the final steps of manufacturing a certain product. Burnishing is also another miscellaneous operation that is used by metalworking machines. In this operation, the end product is processed to appear shiny.